Free Canadian Genealogy Links - Ontario
Free Canadian Genealogy Links - Ontario *I haven't posted about genealogy for a while and noticed many of the research links I use are now outdated or no longer exist. So I am starting from scratch with a new list of sites. If you know of a free / or own a genealogy site not listed please let me know and I will add it. I try to stick to the free stuff and FYI...a good percentage of the records on the "Paid" sites are available for free in other just have to do a little digging. I do use the paid subscription sites now and then, especially if I have a tree to do in a hurry. Paid sites like ancestry make it super easy to find information, but for my own trees, I prefer to take my time and research the old fashioned way. Genealogy is like a puzzle and to me, it is not very fun if you are given all the answers right away. *This list of links is an ongoing Work In Progress so please check back often for updates :) Toronto City Dir...