
May 21,1953 Sarnia Ontario F4 Tornado damage photos

Kodachrome 35mm photos of the F4 Tornado that tore through Sarnia, Ontario on May 21, 1953.  These are from my personal collection and the photographer is unknown .  More on the  Sarnia Tornado - from Wikipedia  Lochiel and Brock Street Sarnia Lochiel Street Sarnia Back of Front st Bright st Corner of Lochiel and Brock Front Street  Forsythe St

Free Junk Journal Digital Collage Graphics - Vintage Halloween

Vintage Halloween clippings scanned from old newspapers 

A water fairy :)

This is my grandbaby experiencing the river for the first time. She is fascinated by running water, taps, hoses and loves to play in the sink when she comes to visit.  The moment we took her out of the car seat she made a run for the river and was sitting in it within minutes of arriving at the cottage. The river floor is rocks and weeds but she didn't seem to notice.  

Free Wrent

My son gave me a nice Wren house, but they seem much more interested  in this brightly coloured one I got from the dollar store.  I made a little swing in the trees and I am thrilled that so many birds have actually used it to perch. Its just a stick and some string. The bigger birds have taken pieces of it to build their nests.   

Splish Splash - A Bluejay taking a bath


Birdhouse Photos - Lambton County

Birdhouses seen along the many trails in Lambton County, Ontario.  Lorne Henderson, Canatara, Marthaville , Wawanosh, Bridgeview are just a few of the trails in Southwestern Ontario where you will spot birdhouses of all shapes and sizes.  Bridgeview Park Petrolia Duck House