
Hodgepodge Cakes

My Aunt is an incredible food artist and her creations are too awesome not to share with the world. If you are in Southwestern, Ontario and would like to order one of her amazing cakes, give me a shout! Here are a few of her fabulous cakes and cookies

Photo Gallery - Lulu

Photos I've taken over the years of my sister Lulu   

Checking in!

How can it be almost March already?  Does the past year seem like a big blur to anyone else?  I'm looking forward to a bit of "normalcy" again, hopefully sooner than later. I've been putting together some larger slide lots for eBay. I'm still offering single photos but the fees on some of the lower-priced items add up.  eBay has made a lot of positive changes since the start of the pandemic but the fees are still pretty high.  Please email me your slide requests if you would like a custom lot off eBay.  My mom has been making junk journal embellishments and scrapbooking stuff again do watch eBay for her cool stuff. I've created a YouTube channel for this blog and its also where I will be posting my 8mm films. Not much content yet but there are a few old family movies. Check it out and don't forget to subscribe I've also started working on a separate site for my Epicure business  It's not live yet but please contact me if you would like to learn mo

Merry Christmas

 Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and cheers to a Happy and Healthy 2021 !

Nemo Hall, Petrolia, Ontario, during a snowstorm

  Nemo Hall - Petrolia, Ontario Much of Southern Ontario experienced a good old fashioned snowstorm last week. Nice thick stuff that sticks to the trees and makes everything look all pretty and Christmasy.  Nemo Hall , built in 1878, is the only remaining building of the Second Empire Style in the town of Petrolia. I think it looks timeless in the snow.