Online Cemetery Databases

A few links to websites with online cemetery records and photos. Toronto List of Cemeteries in Toronto The Toronto Star has put together an interactive map of Toronto Cemeteries. Pretty cool! Toronto Trust Cemeteries - These records include an index and images from several Toronto cemeteries, including: York General Burying Ground (also called Potter’s Field), 1826-1855; Necropolis Cemetery, 1850-1912 (the index will continue to 1935); Mount Pleasant Cemetery, 1876-1933; Prospect Cemetery, 1890-1935. Mount Pleasant Cemetery - Genealogy inquiry page Ontario Ontario Cemetery Finding Aid - OCFA - Genealogy Database of over 3 million interments in Ontario Canada. Fields of Stones - This site focuses on providing pictures of pioneer or abandoned cemeteries located in Ontario St Thomas Anglican Church Belleville Ontario Cemetery Pioneer cemetery in Belleville, Ontario photo gallery Picton Ontario - Glenwood Cemetery Burial ...